
Omnis Investor Update: Importance of staying invested

04TH AUGUST 2022

A couple of weeks ago, we hosted our very first client/prospect live event – and we are pleased to share our second highlights video from the day.

As promised, below you can find our third highlights video from our first client/prospect live event which took place on 14 July: Omnis Investor Update-Importance of staying invested.

As the title suggests, this short video video provides examples to help explain why clients should stay invested during these uncertain and volatile times, when it might seem safer to pull out.

Robert Jeffree, CIO and Colin Gellatly, Deputy CIO talks us through the following key points:

  • Missing the 10 best days
  • The cost of getting it wrong
  • Principles of long-term investing

We hope your clients find this insightful and reassuring.
Continue to keep an eye out, as we’ll be sharing another highlights video over the next couple of weeks.
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